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Public consultation meeting - First draft resolution specific construction, alteration, or occupancy proposal for an immovable (ppcmoi) 1444-21-004 – lots 4 054 704 and 4 054 705, cadastre du québec, montée de sandy-beach


NOTICE is hereby given that the municipal Council of "Ville de Gaspé", at its regular meeting held on December 16, 2024, has adopted by resolution the first draft resolution for specific construction, alteration, or occupancy proposal for an immovable PPCMOI number 1444-21-004:

This resolution was adopted within the framework of By-law 1444-21 on specific construction, alteration, or occupancy proposal for an immovable (PPCMOI) and aims to authorize:

  • the construction of a real estate complex on lots 4 054 704 and 4 054 705, cadastre of Québec, consisting of 2 multi-family dwellings of 43 dwellings on 4 floors each;
  • the construction of retaining walls (4) with a maximum height of 3.2 m, 2 of which are detailed on the documents "Preliminary Sections of Rear Building A Wall and Preliminary Sections of Parking Wall Building B" prepared by Tetra Tech, the said walls all appearing in document P20 of 2024-11-20 produced by the Consortium Goulet Lebel + Bang Architecture;
  • the installation of a sign fixed to the ground located in the front yard of less than 20 m and having a surface area of 7.5 m² detailed in document P20 of 2024-11-20 produced by the Consortium Goulet Lebel + Bang Architecture, sign appearing on site plan P3 of 2024-11-20 produced by the Consortium Goulet Lebel + Bang Architecture;
  • that only the retaining walls (4) and the sign fixed to the ground mentioned above are not subject to the approval process of the By-law Règlement relatif aux plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale (PIIA) no1171-12;

The project in question is located in zone HC-286 and is identified in darker gray on the following sketch:

Image 18 12 2024 825f6

This resolution will make it possible to derogate from the specifications grid for zone HC-286 and sections 4.1, 24.9 and 22.12.2 of Zoning By-law No. 1156-11 and to allow the sign and retaining walls mentioned above not to be subject to the approval process of the By-law Règlement relatif aux plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale (PIIA) no 1171-12.

This draft resolution, in accordance with the Act, will be submitted to a public consultation on its objects and the consequences of its adoption at a public meeting held by Council in the Élias-Dufresne Hall, on Monday, January 13, 2025 at 7:00 p.m.

During this meeting, the mayor, or another member of council designated by him, will explain the draft resolution as well as the consequences of its adoption and will hear the persons and organizations who wish to speak.

In addition, this draft resolution will also be subject to a written consultation that will be held from December 20, 2024, to January 10, 2025, inclusively. During this period, we invite any interested person to submit questions, comments or comments in writing, no later than Friday, January 10, 2024, as follows:

-        Delivering them directly to the temporary Legal Services and Registry office located at 155, Queen Street, Gaspé, Quebec G4X 2R1 during regular business hours. Please note, however, that the offices will be closed from December 23, 2024 to January 3, 2025 inclusively for the holiday break;

-        By sending them by mail to 25 de l'Hôtel-de-Ville Street, Gaspé, Quebec G4X 2A5 to the attention of Legal Services and the Registry.

-        By email at isabelle.vezina@ville.gaspe.qc.ca

Consequently, following the public consultation meeting, the municipal council will take note of the comments received and may adopt a second draft resolution. This second draft resolution may take into account the comments received at the public consultation meeting.

A presentation of the draft resolution concerning the PPCMOI 1444-21-004 as well as the draft resolution and the plan of the zones concerned can be consulted on the City of Gaspé's website at https://ville.gaspe.qc.ca/services-municipaux/informations-rapides/avis-publics.

This draft resolution concerning a PPCMOI contains provisions specific to a regulation subject to approval by referendum, which will be more fully detailed in a future opinion.

In addition, the draft resolution is also available for consultation at the Office of the Clerk located temporarily at 155, Queen Street, Gaspé during the usual business hours, Monday to Thursday from 8:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Friday from 8:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

For more information on this draft resolution concerning PPCMOI 1444-21-004, we invite you to contact the Department of Urban Planning, Land Use Planning and the Environment at 418-368-2104, ext. 8530.

Given in Gaspé, December 19, 2024.

Isabelle Vézina

Director of legal services and town clerk

Dernière modification le mardi, 07 janvier 2025