Public notices

Public notices (573)

NOTICE is hereby given that the municipal Council of "Ville de Gaspé", at its regular meeting held on March 17, 2025, has adopted by resolution the following draft of by-law and that a public consultation meeting will be held at the Town Hall, on Monday, April 7, 2025, at 7:00 p.m.

Draft of by-law 1155-11-04

The draft of by-law amends the urban plan 1155-11, as follows:

  • « ajoutant l’article 4 Les zones à revitaliser : dynamiser, rénover, moderniser ;»

During this meeting, the Mayor or another Council member designated by him, will explain the draft of by-law and the consequences of its adoption, and will hear the persons and bodies wishing to express their views.

This by-law does not contain provisions specific to a by-law subject to referendum approval.

In addition, this draft regulation will also be the subject of a written consultation which will be held from March 20 to April 4, 2025 inclusively. During this period, we invite anyone interested to submit questions, observations, or comments in writing, no later than Friday, April 4, 2025, as follows:

-        Delivering them directly to the Legal Services and town clerk’s office located at 25 rue de l'Hôtel de Ville, Gaspé, Quebec G4X 2A5 during regular business hours;

-        By sending them by mail to 25 rue de l'Hôtel de Ville, Gaspé, Quebec G4X 2A5 to the attention of Legal Services and the Town clerk;

-           By email at isabelle.vezina@ville.gaspe.qc.ca .

This draft of by-law as well as a video capsule briefly explaining this project are available on the city’s website, in the document attached to this notice.

Given in Gaspé, March 20, 2025.

Isabelle Vézina,

Director of legal services and town clerk

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PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given:

1.-     THAT at a meeting held on February 24, 2025, the Town Council has adopted « résolution finale 25-02-033 concernant le projet PPCMOI 1444-21-004 – Projet particulier de construction, de modification ou d’occupation d’un immeuble – Les Habitations de la Montagne Inc. – Lots 4 054 704 et 4 054 705, cadastre du Québec – Montée de Sandy-Beach – afin de permettre la construction d’un ensemble immobilier composé de 2 habitations multifamiliales de 43 logements sur 4 étages chacune alors que l’article 4.1 du Règlement de zonage no 1156-11 prévoit qu’un seul bâtiment principal peut être érigé sur un terrain et que la grille de spécifications de la zone HC-286 »;

2.-     THAT the final resolution 25-02-033 regarding project PPCMOI 1444-21-004 has been approved by the council of the regional county municipality La Côte-de-Gaspé, on March 12, 2025;

3.-     THAT an assessment of conformity has been issued by the Secretary-treasurer of the regional county municipality La Côte-de-Gaspé in respect of the final resolution 25-02-033 regarding project PPCMOI 1444-21-004 on March 13, 2025;

4.-     THAT the final resolution 25-02-033 regarding project PPCMOI 1444-21-004 came into force on March 13, 2025, according to the Act respecting land use planning and development;

5.-     THAT the interested can consult this resolution at the Office of the Town clerk, at the Town Hall, 25, rue de l'Hôtel-de-Ville, Gaspé, during regular office hours.

GIVEN at Gaspé, March 20, 2025.

Isabelle Vézina

The Director of legal services and town clerk

To the qualified voters entitled to have their name entered on the referendum list of the entire municipality:

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given by the undersigned, Town clerk of Ville de Gaspé, that at a regular sitting held on March 17, 2025, the Town Council has adopted the following By-Law:


THAT the persons qualified to vote on the By-Law on the date of March 17, 2025, and who have therefore the right to demand that this By-Law be submitted to a referendum poll will have access to a register open for that purpose from 9 am to 7 pm on March 24 and 25, 2025 at the office of the undersigned, situated at 25 rue de l’Hôtel-de-ville, in order to enter their name, address and occupation together with their signature.


A person who, on March 17, 2025, is not disqualified from voting according to article 524 of the Act respecting elections and referendums in municipalities and meets the following requirements:

  • a natural person domiciled in the municipality and, since at least six months, in Québec and
  • is of full age and a Canadian citizen, and must not be disqualified from voting as a result of a judgment rendered under article 288 of the Civil Code.

The non resident sole owner of an immoveable or non resident sole occupant of a business place situated in the municipality who is not disqualified from voting and meets the following requirements:

  • is the owner of an immoveable or sole occupant of a business place situated in the municipality since at least 12 months;
  • in the case of a natural person, be of full age and Canadian citizen and must not be disqualified from voting as a result of a judgment rendered under article 288 of the Civil Code.

The non resident undivided co-owners and non resident co-occupants of a business place situated in the municipality not disqualified from voting and meet the following requirements:

  • is the undivided co-owner of an immoveable or co-occupant of a business place situated in the municipality since at least 12 months;
  • is designated by means of a power of attorney signed by a majority of the persons who are co-owners or co-occupants since at least 12 months, as the one who has the right to sing in their name and to be entered on the referendum list of the municipality. This power of attorney must be produced before or at the signature time.

Legal person:

  • have designated by resolution among its members, directors or employees, a person who, on March 17, 2025, and at voting time, is of full age and Canadian citizen and must be neither disqualified from voting under section 524 nor disqualified from voting as a result of a judgment rendered under article 288 of the Civil Code.

THAT the persons qualified to vote on the By-Law in question must establish their identity to the responsible person for the register, by presenting, among others: a health-insurance card issued by the Québec Health Insurance Board, a driver’s permit issued by the Québec Automobile Insurance Society, a Canadian passport, an identity card of the Canadian armed forces, a certificate of Indian status.

THAT the number of applications needed in order that a referendum poll be held for this By-Law is 1 238 and failing this number, the concerned By-Law will be deemed approved by the qualified voters.

THAT the qualified voters may examine this By-Law at the office of the undersigned situated at 25 rue de l’Hôtel-de-ville, from 8 h 15 am till 12 h and from 1 h till 4 h 30 pm from Monday till Thursday, and from 8 h 15 am till 12 h on Friday, and during registration hours.

THAT the result of this registration procedure will be announced on March 25, 2025, at 7 pm, at the office of the undersigned, 25 rue de l’Hôtel-de-ville in Gaspé.

GIVEN at Gaspé, March 18, 2025.

Isabelle Vézina,

Director of legal services and town clerk

To the qualified voters entitled to have their name entered on the referendum list of the entire municipality:

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given by the undersigned, Town clerk of Ville de Gaspé, that at a regular sitting held on March 3, 2025, the Town Council has adopted the following By-Law:


THAT the persons qualified to vote on the By-Law on the date of March 3, 2025, and who have therefore the right to demand that this By-Law be submitted to a referendum poll will have access to a register open for that purpose from 9 am to 7 pm on March 10 and 11, 2025 at the office of the undersigned, situated at 25 rue de l’Hôtel-de-ville, in order to enter their name, address and occupation together with their signature.


A person who, on March 3, 2025, is not disqualified from voting according to article 524 of the Act respecting elections and referendums in municipalities and meets the following requirements:

  • a natural person domiciled in the municipality and, since at least six months, in Québec and
  • is of full age and a Canadian citizen, and not under tutorship.

The non resident sole owner of an immoveable or non resident sole occupant of a business place situated in the municipality who is not disqualified from voting and meets the following requirements:

  • is the owner of an immoveable or sole occupant of a business place situated in the municipality since at least 12 months;
  • in the case of a natural person, be of full age and Canadian citizen and not under tutorship.

The non resident undivided co-owners and non resident co-occupants of a business place situated in the municipality not disqualified from voting and meet the following requirements:

  • is the undivided co-owner of an immoveable or co-occupant of a business place situated in the municipality since at least 12 months;
  • is designated by means of a power of attorney signed by a majority of the persons who are co-owners or co-occupants since at least 12 months, as the one who has the right to sing in their name and to be entered on the referendum list of the municipality. This power of attorney must be produced before or at the signature time.

Legal person:

  • have designated by resolution among its members, directors or employees, a person who, on March 3, 2025, and at voting time, is of full age and Canadian citizen, is not under tutorship and is not disqualified to vote.

THAT the persons qualified to vote on the By-Law in question must establish their identity to the responsible person for the register, by presenting, among others: a health-insurance card issued by the Québec Health Insurance Board, a driver’s permit issued by the Québec Automobile Insurance Society, a Canadian passport, an identity card of the Canadian armed forces, a certificate of Indian status.

THAT the number of applications needed in order that a referendum poll be held for this By-Law is 1 238 and failing this number, the concerned By-Law will be deemed approved by the qualified voters.

THAT the qualified voters may examine this By-Law at the office of the undersigned situated at 25 rue de l’Hôtel-de-ville, from 8 h 15 am till 12 h and from 1 h till 4 h 30 pm from Monday till Thursday, and from 8 h 15 am till 12 h on Friday, and during registration hours.

THAT the result of this registration procedure will be announced on March 11, 2025, at 7 pm, at the office of the undersigned, 25 rue de l’Hôtel-de-ville in Gaspé.

GIVEN at Gaspé, March 4, 2025.

Isabelle Vézina,

Director of legal services and town clerk

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that, at its regular meeting held on Monday, February 24, 2025, the Municipal Council adopted a resolution modifying the location of the Council meeting on March 3, 2025, who was suppose to be at 55 du Banc Street, at the Élias-Dufresne Centre in Rivière-au-Renard, will be held at the town hall.

DONE at Gaspé on February 27, 2025.

Isabelle Vézina

Director of Legal Services and town clerk


Second draft of resolution number 25-02-005 (Adopted on February 3, 2025) Specific construction, alteration, or occupancy proposal for an immovable (PPCMOI) - PPCMOI 1444-21-004

NOTICE is hereby given that, following the public consultation meeting which was held on January 13, 2025, the municipal Council of "Ville de Gaspé" has accepted by resolution, on February 3, 2025, a second draft of resolution number 25-02-005 for specific construction, alteration, or occupancy proposal for an immovable PPCMOI 1444-21-004.  This second draft contains provisions that may be subject to an application made by interested persons from anyone of the zones to wich some provisions apply and the contiguous zones, to require that a resolution containing these be submitted for their approval, in accordance with the Act respecting elections and referendum in municipalities.


This second draft resolution was adopted within the framework of By-law 1444-21 on specific construction, alteration, or occupancy proposal for an immovable (PPCMOI) and aims to authorize:

  • the construction of a real estate complex on lots 4 054 704 and 4 054 705, Quebec cadastre, consisting of 2 multi-family dwellings of 43 units on 4 floors each;
  • the construction of retaining walls (4) with a maximum height of 3.2 m, 2 of which are detailed in the documents “Preliminary sections of the rear wall of building A and Preliminary sections of the parking wall of building B” produced by Tetra Tech, said walls all appearing in document P20 of 2024-11-20 produced by the Goulet Lebel + Bang Architecture Consortium;
  • that only the retaining walls (4) mentioned above are not subject to the approval process of the Regulation relating to architectural implementation and integration plans (PIIA) no. 1171-12.

THAT this authorization be conditional on:

  • the preamble of resolution 25-02-005, mentioned above, being an integral part of the resolution;
  • the project is completed before December 31, 2029;
  • the promoter installs a noise barrier wall and a frost-type wire mesh fence installed in accordance with page 3 of the plan document 20250130_BA2404-GL2024131_QDHG_Presentation PPCMOI_V3 of the Goulet Lebal + Bang Architecture Consortium;
  • any application for a building permit or certificate of authorization, other than for the retaining walls mentioned above, is subject to Regulation relating to architectural implementation and integration plans (PIIA) no. 1171-12.

Such an application is required that the draft resolution containing the provision to which it applies be submitted for the approval of the qualified voters in the zone to which applies this application, and in any contiguous zone from which a valid application originates. However, any contiguous zone who has made an application will participate at the referendum approval only if the application also originates of the zone to which it is contiguous.


The project in question is located in zone HC-286 and is identified in darker gray on the following sketch:

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To be valid, an application to take part to a referendum must:

  • state clearly the provision of the second draft to which the application refers;
  • indicate the zone from which the application originates;
  • be signed by at least 12 interested persons of the zone from which it originates, if there are more than 21 interested persons in that zone, or, otherwise, by the majority of the interested persons;
  • be received by the Town clerk office at the town hall no later than August 30, 2024, 4:30 pm. Any application sent by post must be sent at 25, rue de l’Hôtel-de-Ville, Gaspé (Québec) G4X 2A5 and any application delivered in person, by delivery services or by messenger, must be submitted at 155, rue de la Reine, Gaspé (Québec) G4X 2R1.


An interested person is a person of full age, Canadian citizen and not under curatorship who, on the date of adoption of the second draft, which is February 3, 2025, is not disqualified from voting and meets one of the following requirements:

  • is domiciled in a zone from which an application may originate and who has been domiciled in Québec for at least 6 months;
  • is the owner of an immovable or the occupant of a business place situated on such a zone since 12 months at least.

Should there be no valid applications relating to the provisions of the second draft, the said provisions may be then included in a resolution which will not have to be submitted for the approval of the qualified voters.


The second draft of resolution is available, in French, for consultation in the document also attached to this notice.

We recommend you consult the Service de l’Urbanisme to verify in which area your building is situated.

Given in Gaspé, February 6, 2025

Isabelle Vézina,

Director of legal services and town clerk


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PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given:

1- THAT at a ordinary meeting held December 16, 2025, the Town Council has adopted the following By-Laws:

By-law 1540-24:

« Créant une réserve financière au profit du quartier numéro 1 pour une somme de 5 000 $ en 2025. »

By-law 1541-24:

« Créant une réserve financière au profit du quartier numéro 2 pour une somme de 17 000 $ en 2025. »

By-law 1542-24:

« Créant une réserve financière au profit du quartier numéro 3 pour une somme de 12 500 $ en 2025. »

By-law 1543-24:

« Créant une réserve financière au profit du quartier numéro 4 pour une somme de 8 000 $ en 2025. »

By-law 1544-24:

« Créant une réserve financière au profit du quartier numéro 5 pour une somme de 20 000 $ en 2025. »

By-law 1545-24:

« Créant une réserve financière au profit du quartier numéro 6 pour une somme de 13 000 $ en 2025. »

By-law 1546-24:

« Créant une réserve financière au profit de l’ensemble du territoire de la municipalité pour une somme de 90 000 $ en 2025. »

2.- THAT By-Laws 1540-24, 1541-24, 1542-24, 1543-24, 1544-24, 1545-24 and 1546-24 have been approved by the persons qualified to vote during the register opened for that purpose January 6 and 7, 2025.

3.- THAT the interested can consult these By-Laws at the Clerk’s office, at the Town Hall, 25, rue de l’Hôtel-de-Ville, during regular office hours.

GIVEN at Gaspé, January 16, 2025.

Isabelle Vézina,

Director of legal services and town cler

NOTICE is hereby given that the municipal Council of "Ville de Gaspé", at its regular meeting held on December 16, 2024, has adopted by resolution the following draft of by-law and that a public consultation meeting will be held at the Center Élias-Dufresne Hall, on Monday, January 13, 2025, at 7:00 p.m.

Draft of by-law 1155-11-03

The draft of by-law amends the urban plan 1155-11, as follows:

  • « ajoutant un paragraphe à l’article 3.1.1 Le pôle urbain de Gaspé
  • modifiant le plan d’affectation de l'annexe B « Périmètre urbain de Gaspé Centre-ville »;

During this meeting, the Mayor or another Council member designated by him, will explain the draft of by-law and the consequences of its adoption, and will hear the persons and bodies wishing to express their views.

This by-law does not contain provisions specific to a by-law subject to referendum approval.

In addition, this draft regulation will also be the subject of a written consultation which will be held from December 19, 2024 to January 10, 2025 inclusively. During this period, we invite anyone interested to submit questions, observations, or comments in writing, no later than Friday, January 10, 2025, as follows:

-        Delivering them directly to the temporary Legal Services and Registry office located at 155, Queen Street, Gaspé, Quebec G4X 2R1 during regular business hours. Please note, however, that the offices will be closed from December 23, 2024 to January 3, 2025 inclusively for the holiday break;

-        By sending them by mail to 25 de l'Hôtel-de-Ville Street, Gaspé, Quebec G4X 2A5 to the attention of Legal Services and the Registry;

-             By email at isabelle.vezina@ville.gaspe.qc.ca .

This draft of by-law as well as a video capsule briefly explaining this project are available on the city’s website, in the document attached to this notice.

The draft of by-law is also available for consultation at the Town Hall office temporally situated at 155, rue de la Reine.

Given in Gaspé, December 19, 2024.

Isabelle Vézina,

Director of legal services and town clerk


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NOTICE is hereby given that the Town Council, at an ordinary meeting that will be held at the hall of the Élias-Dufresne Center, on January 13, 2025, at 7h30 pm, will consider the request for minor exemption from the zoning By-Law 1156-11, presented by Mr Michel Dugas (Concept K) for Habitat Honguedo Inc. for a property situated at 11, rue de la Cathédrale.

The nature and consequences of this exemption are the following:

  • the nature of the minor exemption is to increase of 1 the number of signs that can be lay flat on the right lateral wall in accordance to the total number of 1 sign required at the article 22.12.4 by the zoning By-Law 1156-11;
  • the minor exemption will have for consequence to permit the installation of one more sign of 2,06 m2 lay down flat on the right lateral wall of the building, bringing at 2 the number of signs on this wall.

During this meeting, the Town Council will hear the interested wishing to be heard on that request.

Done at Gaspé, December 19, 2024.

Isabelle Vézina,

Director of legal services and town clerk

NOTICE is hereby given that the municipal Council of "Ville de Gaspé", at its regular meeting held on December 16, 2024, has adopted by resolution the first draft resolution for specific construction, alteration, or occupancy proposal for an immovable PPCMOI number 1444-21-004:

This resolution was adopted within the framework of By-law 1444-21 on specific construction, alteration, or occupancy proposal for an immovable (PPCMOI) and aims to authorize:

  • the construction of a real estate complex on lots 4 054 704 and 4 054 705, cadastre of Québec, consisting of 2 multi-family dwellings of 43 dwellings on 4 floors each;
  • the construction of retaining walls (4) with a maximum height of 3.2 m, 2 of which are detailed on the documents "Preliminary Sections of Rear Building A Wall and Preliminary Sections of Parking Wall Building B" prepared by Tetra Tech, the said walls all appearing in document P20 of 2024-11-20 produced by the Consortium Goulet Lebel + Bang Architecture;
  • the installation of a sign fixed to the ground located in the front yard of less than 20 m and having a surface area of 7.5 m² detailed in document P20 of 2024-11-20 produced by the Consortium Goulet Lebel + Bang Architecture, sign appearing on site plan P3 of 2024-11-20 produced by the Consortium Goulet Lebel + Bang Architecture;
  • that only the retaining walls (4) and the sign fixed to the ground mentioned above are not subject to the approval process of the By-law Règlement relatif aux plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale (PIIA) no1171-12;

The project in question is located in zone HC-286 and is identified in darker gray on the following sketch:

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This resolution will make it possible to derogate from the specifications grid for zone HC-286 and sections 4.1, 24.9 and 22.12.2 of Zoning By-law No. 1156-11 and to allow the sign and retaining walls mentioned above not to be subject to the approval process of the By-law Règlement relatif aux plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale (PIIA) no 1171-12.

This draft resolution, in accordance with the Act, will be submitted to a public consultation on its objects and the consequences of its adoption at a public meeting held by Council in the Élias-Dufresne Hall, on Monday, January 13, 2025 at 7:00 p.m.

During this meeting, the mayor, or another member of council designated by him, will explain the draft resolution as well as the consequences of its adoption and will hear the persons and organizations who wish to speak.

In addition, this draft resolution will also be subject to a written consultation that will be held from December 20, 2024, to January 10, 2025, inclusively. During this period, we invite any interested person to submit questions, comments or comments in writing, no later than Friday, January 10, 2024, as follows:

-        Delivering them directly to the temporary Legal Services and Registry office located at 155, Queen Street, Gaspé, Quebec G4X 2R1 during regular business hours. Please note, however, that the offices will be closed from December 23, 2024 to January 3, 2025 inclusively for the holiday break;

-        By sending them by mail to 25 de l'Hôtel-de-Ville Street, Gaspé, Quebec G4X 2A5 to the attention of Legal Services and the Registry.

-        By email at isabelle.vezina@ville.gaspe.qc.ca

Consequently, following the public consultation meeting, the municipal council will take note of the comments received and may adopt a second draft resolution. This second draft resolution may take into account the comments received at the public consultation meeting.

A presentation of the draft resolution concerning the PPCMOI 1444-21-004 as well as the draft resolution and the plan of the zones concerned can be consulted on the City of Gaspé's website at https://ville.gaspe.qc.ca/services-municipaux/informations-rapides/avis-publics.

This draft resolution concerning a PPCMOI contains provisions specific to a regulation subject to approval by referendum, which will be more fully detailed in a future opinion.

In addition, the draft resolution is also available for consultation at the Office of the Clerk located temporarily at 155, Queen Street, Gaspé during the usual business hours, Monday to Thursday from 8:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Friday from 8:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

For more information on this draft resolution concerning PPCMOI 1444-21-004, we invite you to contact the Department of Urban Planning, Land Use Planning and the Environment at 418-368-2104, ext. 8530.

Given in Gaspé, December 19, 2024.

Isabelle Vézina

Director of legal services and town clerk