Purpose of the Policy
This policy is a contract management policy putting in place measures complying with those required under Article 573.3.1.2 of the Cities and Towns Act (Loi sur les cités et villes) (L.R.Q., c. C-19, hereinafter "LCV") and aims at introducing greater transparency and a better management of municipal contracts at the town level.
This way, the town introduces, with this policy, measures designed to:
- Ensure that any prospective bidder or one of his or her representatives have not contacted nor attempted to contact one of the selection committee members for the purpose of influencing him or her regarding a request for proposals for which he or she submitted a bid;
- Promote compliance with any applicable anti-bid-rigging legislation;
- Ensure compliance with the Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Act (Chapter T-11.011) and the Lobbyists Code of Conduct adopted under this law;
- Prevent intimidation, influence peddling or bribery;
- Prevent conflict of interest situations;
- Prevent any other situation that could compromise the impartiality and objectivity of the solicitation process and contract management resulting;
- Govern the making of decisions authorizing the amendment of a contract.
All this in order to ensure transparency of the awarding of municipal contracts in accordance with the rules for the adjudication of such contracts under the laws regulating the functioning of municipal entities.
To access the complete Contract Management Policy, you can download it here:
Politique de gestion contractuelle
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To get the list of contracts awarded or currently up for bid on the SEAO platform, click on the following link: Town of Gaspé Contracts SEAO (Contrats SEAO de la Ville de Gaspé).