NOTICE is hereby given that the municipal Council of "Ville de Gaspé", at its regular meeting held on April 6, 2021, has adopted by resolution the draft of by-law « règlement sur les projets particuliers de construction, de modification ou d’occupation d’un immeuble».
This by-law contains provisions specific to a by-law subject to referendum approval.
The written consultation with regard to this draft by-law was determined by the municipal council in accordance with resolution 21-04-022 adopted at its ordinary meeting of April 6, 2021. Thus, in accordance ministerial order number 2020-074 of the Minister of Health and Social Services dated October 2, 2020, any procedure which involves the movement or assembly of citizens, which is part of the decision-making process of the municipal council, is replaced by a written consultation announced 15 days beforehand by public notice.
A written consultation on this draft by-law will therefore take place from April 9 to April 24, 2021. Anyone interested can send their comments in writing to the legal services and town clerk office at the following email address:
Consequently, after holding this written consultation, the municipal council will take note of the written comments received and may adopt a second draft by-law. This second draft regulation may take into account written comments received during this written consultation period.
The explanation of this draft regulation is presented in the document below and the project of by-law are joint to this public notice.
Given in Gaspé, April 9, 2021.
Isabelle Vézina,
Director of legal services and town clerk