NOTICE is hereby given that the Town Council, at its ordinary meeting has adopted the following By-Laws:
held on May 17, 2021:
By-law 1443-21 :
« Règlement concernant la garde et le contrôle des animaux et abrogeant le règlement 734-99. »
Held on May 25, 2021 :
By-law 1445-21 :
« Règlement concernant l’interdiction de faire du camping sur les chemins publics, les places publiques et les plages remplaçant le règlement 1421-20. »
NOTICE is also given that those By-Laws are deposited at the office of the municipality and that the interested may there take cognizance thereof during regular office hours.
DONE at Gaspe, June 14, 2021.
Isabelle Vézina,
Director of legal services and town clerk