In accordance with section 137.10 of the Act respecting Land use planning and development (R.S.Q., C.A-19.1), public notice is hereby given to qualified voters entitled to be entered on the referendum list of Ville de Gaspé, of the following:
1- At the regular public meeting of the municipal council held on October 4, 2022, the Town of Gaspé adopted the following by-law:
By-Law 1156-11-59 amends the zoning by-law 1156-11, as follows:
- « modifiant la note 1 de la zone F-138 ajoutant que les usages de la classe d’usages Industrie extractive (I-3) soient implantés à l’extérieur des aires de protection immédiates et intermédiaires d’une installation de prélèvement d’eau de surface de catégorie 1 ou 2;
- ajoutant un sixième et un septième points à l’article 23.6.1 LES PUITS PUBLICS (EAU SOUTERRAINE);
- ajoutant un troisième point à l’article 23.6.2 LES PRISES D’EAU PUBLIQUES (EAU DE SURFACE) ; »
- Any person entitled to vote in the territory of Ville de Gaspé may request in writing from the Commission municipale du Québec his opinion on the conformity of the said by-law with the planning program of Ville de Gaspé.
3- This request must be sent within 30 days of the publication of this notice to:
Commission municipale du Québec
10, rue Pierre-Olivier-Chauveau
Mezzanine, Aile Chauveau
Québec (Québec) G1R 4J3
- If the Commission receives, from at least five (5) qualified voters in the territory of the city, such a request, it will give within 60 days following the expiry of this period of 30 days, its opinion on the conformity of the said by-law with the planning program of the city.
5- If the Commission does not receive such an application from at least five (5) qualified voters from the territory of the city, the by-law will be deemed to be in conformity with the planning program from the expiry of this 30-day period.
DONE at Gaspé, on October 4, 2022.
Isabelle Vézina,
Director of Légal Services and town clerk