NOTICE is hereby given that the municipal Council of "Ville de Gaspé", at its regular meeting held on April 17, 2023, has adopted by resolution the following draft of by-law and that a public consultation meeting will be held at the Town Hall, on Monday, May 9, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.
Draft of by-law 1156-11-63
The draft of by-law amends the zoning by-law 1156-11, as follows:
- « Modifiant les usages autorisés dans les zones AF-102, AF-104, AF-105, AF-106, AF-107, AF-110, AF-111, AF‑112, AF-114, AF-115, AF-135, AF-137, AF-149-1, AF‑155, AF-163-1, AF-170, AF-176, AF-183, AF-186, AF‑187, F-138, F-150, F-177, RT-141, RT-156 et RT-160 afin de permettre comme usage spécifiquement permis l’usage Établissement d’hébergement touristique général
- Ajoutant un deuxième paragraphe à l’article 12.4 ROULOTTE DE VOYAGE
- Modifiant l’usage Hôtel, motel et maison de touristes (5830) à l’article 3.2.11 CLASSE HEBERGEMENT D’ENVERGURE (C-10)
- Modifiant l’usage Hôtel, motel et maison de touristes du point 2) Commerce et service du tableau à l’article 21.4 NOMBRE DE CASES DE STATIONNEMENT»;
The concerned zones are located on the whole Gaspe territory and illustrated in the following sketch:
This plan can also be consulted on the graphic matrix of the town of Gaspe at the following address:https://sigale.ca/main.aspx?mrc=030# (open the link, click on contribuable, choose Gaspé, OK). It will then be possible to do research either by address, by lot number or by registration number in order to verify whether the use of Établissement d’hébergement touristique général is authorized in the zone where the building in question is located.
During this meeting, the Mayor or another Council member designated by him, will explain the draft of by-law and the consequences of its adoption, and will hear the persons and bodies wishing to express their views.
In addition, this draft regulation will also be the subject of a written consultation which will be held from April 27 to May 5th, 2023 inclusively. During this period, we invite anyone interested to submit questions, observations, or comments in writing, no later than Friday May 5th, 2023, as follows:
- By mail or delivering them directly to the legal services and registry office located at the town hall at 25, rue de l'Hotel-de-Ville, Gaspé, Québec, G4X 2A5;
- By email at vezina@ville.gaspe.qc.ca
This by-law contain provisions specific to a by-law subject to referendum approval.
This draft of by-law as well as a video capsule briefly explaining this project are available on the city’s website, in the document attached to this notice.
Anyone who has questions about this draft by-law can also contact the Urban Planning, Land Use Planning and Environment Department directly at (418) 368-2104, extension 8530, or at urbanisme@ ville.gaspe.qc.ca
The draft of by-law is also available for consultation at the Town Hall office.
Given in Gaspé, April 27, 2023.
Isabelle Vézina,
Director of legal services and town clerk
Pour voir le règlement :
1156-11-63 - 1er projet.pdf
Popular 1.45 MB 279 |
NOTICE is hereby given that the municipal Council of "Ville de Gaspé", at its regular meeting held on April 17, 2023, has adopted by resolution the following draft of by-law and that a public consultation meeting will be held at the Town Hall, on Monday, May 9, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.
Draft of by-law 1170-12-07 :
The draft of by-law amends the zoning by-law 1170-12, as follows:
- « Modifiant l’article 8 TERMINOLOGIE en ajoutant les définitions « Établissement d’hébergement touristique général », « Établissement de résidence principale » et « Résidence principale » et en modifiant le deuxième point du premier paragraphe de la définition « Habitation collective »
- Ajoutant un huitième point à l’article 1 NECESSITE DU CERTIFICAT D’AUTORISATION
- Ajoutant un point h) à l’article 2 FORME ET CONTENU DE LA DEMANDE »
During this meeting, the Mayor or another Council member designated by him, will explain the draft of by-law and the consequences of their adoption, and will hear the persons and bodies wishing to express their views.
In addition, this draft regulation will also be the subject of a written consultation which will be held from April 27 to May 5th, 2023 inclusively. During this period, we invite anyone interested to submit questions, observations, or comments in writing, no later than Friday May 5th, 2023, as follows:
- By mail or delivering them directly to the legal services and registry office located at the town hall at 25, rue de l'Hotel-de-Ville, Gaspé, Québec, G4X 2A5;
- By email at vezina@ville.gaspe.qc.ca
This by-law contain provisions specific to a by-law subject to referendum approval.
This draft of by-law as well as a video capsule briefly explaining this project are available on the city’s website, in the document attached to this notice.
Anyone who has questions about this draft by-law can also contact the Urban Planning, Land Use Planning and Environment Department directly at (418) 368-2104, extension 8530, or at urbanisme@ ville.gaspe.qc.ca
Anyone who has questions about this draft by-law can also contact the Urban Planning, Land Use Planning and Environment Department directly at (418) 368-2104, extension 8530, or at urbanisme@ ville.gaspe.qc.ca
The draft of by-law is available for consultation at the Town Hall office.
Given in Gaspé, April 27, 2023.
Isabelle Vézina
Director of Legal Services and town clerk
Pour voir le règlement :
1170-12-07 - 1er projet.pdf
Popular 147.66 KB 221 |