
Minor exemption - 84, rue Jacques-Cartier

NOTICE is hereby given that the Town Council, at an ordinary meeting that will be held on Monday November 4, 2024, at 7:30 pm, will consider the request for minor exemption from the zoning By-Law 1156-11, presented Ghislain O’Connor for the company Les Entreprises de restauration B.N. Ltée for a property situated at 84, rue Jacques-Cartier.

The nature and consequences of this exemption are the following:

  • the nature of the minor exemption is to :
  • increase of 1 the number of signs lay flat that can be fixed of the wall compared to the total number of 2 signs established in article 22.12.4 of Zoning By-law no 1156-11;
  • to authorize a sign whose outline is human-shaped, while these signs are prohibited anywhere on the municipal territory as stipulated in article 22.8 of Zoning By-law no 1156-11
  • the minor exemption will have for consequence of allowing the installation of 3 signs lay flat to the wall on the front of the building, one of which has a human-shaped outline.

During this meeting, the Town Council will hear the interested wishing to be heard on that request.

Given at Gaspé, October 17, 2024


Isabelle Vézina,
Director of legal services and town clerk

Dernière modification le jeudi, 17 octobre 2024