PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given by the Gaspé town clerk, in accordance with article 12 of the Municipal Ethics and good conduct act:
THAT a draft of the following by-laws amending the codes of ethics and good conduct for elected municipal officer and employees of the Town of Gaspe have been presented during an ordinary meeting held on July 11th, 2016, in same time that the motion notice have been given like required by the law:
- Règlement modifiant le règlement 1239-14 décrétant l’adoption d’un code d’éthique et de déontologie des élus de la ville de Gaspé;
- Règlement modifiant le règlement 1193-12 décrétant l’adoption d’un code d’éthique et de déontologie pour les employés municipaux de la ville de Gaspé;
THAT the proposed amendments to the by-laws are intended to prohibit any member of the municipal council as well as any employee of the municipality to make the announcement at a political fundraising event, realization of a project of the conclusion of a contract or a grant by the municipality, unless a final decision on this project, contract or grant was made by the competent authority of the municipality
THAT the town council will adopt the by-laws at it’s ordinary meeting, who will be held on August 15th, 2016, at 8h pm, at the town hall.
THAT the draft of By-Laws are available for consultation at the Office of the Town clerk of the municipality.
GIVEN at Gaspé, on August 3, 2016