Public notice is hereby given by the undersigned, town clerk for Ville de Gaspé, having her professional domicile at 25, rue de l’Hôtel-de-Ville in Gaspé Québec G4X 2A5, that in virtue of the resolution passed by the municipal council on September 6, 2016 the properties hereinafter described will be sold by public auction at the Town Hall council meeting room, 25, rue de l’Hôtel-de-Ville, on November 16, 2016 at 10h00, in lieu of payment of municipal and school taxes, including accumulated interest, plus incurred expenses, unless these taxes, interests and expenses are paid up before that date (cash payment or certified cheque).
The properties hereinafter described will be sold subject to a one year right of withdrawal.
The properties will be sold with the buildings erected on them and appurtenances, if the case arises, subject to all active or passive, apparent of hidden easements, which may affect them at the buyer’s own risk.
The price of each property as determined by auction shall be paid immediately in legal tender (cash payment, money order, bank draft or certified cheque made to the order of Ville de Gaspé). When applicable, the federal tax on goods and services (GST) and provincial sales tax (QST) are added in the amount of the price of the property.
Natural person (identity paper with photo):
- name;
- date and place of birth;
- complete residential and postal addresses;
- mandate or power of attorney if representative of another natural person.
Legal person:
- name;
- legal form and act of incorporation;
- complete and postal address of head office.
For the representative of the legal person:
- name;
- authority of the representative (proxy);
- written proof of the authorisation to act on behalf of (resolution, mandate, proxy).
Notice of sale for unpaid taxes :