Public notices

Public notices (568)

To the qualified voters entitled to have their name entered on the referendum list of the entire municipality:

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given by the undersigned, Town clerk of Ville de Gaspé, that at a regular sitting held on December 3, 2018, the Town Council has adopted the following By-Law:


THAT the persons qualified to vote on the By-Law on the date of December 3, 2018, and who have therefore the right to demand that this By-Law be submitted to a referendum poll will have access to a register open for that purpose from nine (9) hours to nineteen (19) hours on December, 11 and 12, 2018 at the office of the undersigned, at the Town Hall in order to enter their name, address and occupation together with their signature.


A person who, on December 3, 2018, is not disqualified from voting according to article 524 of the Act respecting elections and referendums in municipalities and meets the following requirements:

  • a natural person domiciled in the municipality and, since at least six months, in Québec and
  • is of full age and a Canadian citizen, and not under curatorship.

The non resident sole owner of an immoveable or non resident sole occupant of a business place situated in the municipality who is not disqualified from voting and meets the following requirements:

  • is the owner of an immoveable or sole occupant of a business place situated in the municipality since at least 12 months;
  • in the case of a natural person, be of full age and Canadian citizen and not under curatorship.

The non resident undivided co-owners and non resident co-occupants of a business place situated in the municipality not disqualified from voting and meet the following requirements:

  • is the undivided co-owner of an immoveable or co-occupant of a business place situated in the municipality since at least 12 months;
  • is designated by means of a power of attorney signed by a majority of the persons who are co-owners or co-occupants since at least 12 months, as the one who has the right to sing in their name and to be entered on the referendum list of the municipality. This power of attorney must be produced before or at the signature time.

Legal person:

  • have designated by resolution among its members, directors or employees, a person who, on December 3, 2018, and at voting time, is of full age and Canadian citizen, is not under curatorship and is not disqualified to vote.

THAT the persons qualified to vote on the By-Law in question must establish their identity to the responsible person for the register, by presenting, among others: a health-insurance card issued by the Québec Health Insurance Board, a driver’s permit issued by the Québec Automobile Insurance Society, a Canadian passport, an identity card of the Canadian armed forces, a certificate of Indian status.

THAT the number of applications needed in order that a referendum poll be held for this By-Law is 1 223 and failing this number, the concerned By-Law will be deemed approved by the qualified voters.

THAT the qualified voters may examine this By-Law at the office of the undersigned from 8 h 15 am till 12 h and from 1 h till 4 h 30 pm from Monday till Thursday,  and from 8 h 15 am till 12 h on Friday, and during registration hours.

THAT the result of this registration procedure will be announced on December 12, 2018, at 7 pm, at the office of the undersigned, 25, rue de l’Hôtel-de-Ville in Gaspé.

GIVEN at Gaspé, December 5, 2018.



NOTICE is hereby given that the Town Council, at an ordinary meeting that will be held on Monday, December 17, 2018, at 8 pm, will consider the request for minor exemption from the zoning By-Law 1156-11, presented by Mr Guy Bouchard for a property situated at 10-A, avenue Kennedy.

The nature and consequences of this exemption are the following:

  • the nature of the minor exemption is for the installation of an amateur radio antenna in front yard contrary to the standard prescribed by article 9.6 of the Zoning By-law 1156 11;
  • the minor exemption will have for consequence to permit the installation of an amateur radio antenna in front yard.

During this meeting, the Town Council will hear the interested wishing to be heard on that request.

Given at Gaspé, November 28, 2018.



NOTICE is hereby given that the Town Council, at an ordinary meeting that will be held on Monday, December 17, 2018, at 8 pm, will consider the request for minor exemption from the zoning By-Law 1156-11, presented by Mr Jean-Pierre Mainville for Buanderie de la péninsule gaspésienne Inc.  for a property situated at 3, rue des Lilas.

The nature and consequences of this exemption are the following:

  • the nature of the minor exemption is to allow 2 loading and unloading areas in front yard contrary to the standard prescribed by section 21.10.3 of Zoning By-law 1156-11;
  • the minor exemption will have for consequence to allow 2 loading and unloading areas in front yard.

During this meeting, the Town Council will hear the interested wishing to be heard on that request.

Given at Gaspé, November 28, 2018.



NOTICE is hereby given that the Town Council, at an ordinary meeting that will be held on December 17, 2018, at 8 pm, will consider the request for minor exemption from the zoning By-Law 1156-11, presented by Mrs Line Dumaresq and Mr Jim Kennedy for a property situated at 8, chemin du Lac-Fromenteau.

The nature and consequences of this exemption are the following:

  • the nature of the minor exemption is to reduce of 6.5 m the minimal front back margin for a garage for a yacht in accordance to the minimal front back margin of 9 m required at the article 8.8.3 of the zoning By-Law 1156-11.
  • the minor exemption will have for consequence to regularize the implantation of a garage for a yacht at 2.5 m of the front line.

During this meeting, the Town Council will hear the interested wishing to be heard on that request.

Given at Gaspé, November 28, 2018.



NOTICE is hereby given that the Town Council, at an ordinary meeting that will be held on Monday, December 17, 2018, at 8 pm, will consider the request for minor exemption from the zoning By-Law 1156-11, presented by Mr Robert Connolly for a property situated at 10-A, Kennedy avenue.

The nature and consequences of this exemption are the following:

  • the nature of the minor exemption is to reduce of 2.07 m the minimal front back margin for an isolated private garage in accordance to the minimal front back margin of 9 m required at the article of the zoning By-Law 1156-11.
  • the minor exemption will have for consequence to regularize the implantation of an isolated private garage located at 6.93 m of the front line.

During this meeting, the Town Council will hear the interested wishing to be heard on that request.

Given at Gaspé, November 28, 2018.

The municipal authorities of "Ville de Gaspé" would like to advise the population that:

  • according to By-Law 1190-12, motor vehicles are forbidden from parking on the streets of the town, from 0 h to 7 h, between November 1st, 2018, and April 30, 2019;

Motor vehicles are forbidden from parking on "rue de la Reine", from 3 h to 7 h, between November 1st, 2018, and April 30, 2019;

All motor vehicles parked in contravention with this By-Law will be towed at the owner's expense, and he or she will therefore be obliged to pay the fine and the costs described in this By-Law.

  • according to By-Law 736-99, it is forbidden to make snow pile-ups or other pile-ups in the streets, alleys or public places;

Any person infringing this By-Law will be liable to a fine and the costs described in this By-Law.

Ville de Gaspé counts on the collaboration of its citizens regarding the respect of these provisions for security reasons and to make snow removal operations easier.

GIVEN at Gaspé, October 31, 2018.

NOTICE is hereby given that the municipal Council of "Ville de Gaspé", at its regular meeting held on Monday, October 22, 2018, has adopted by resolution the following draft of by-law and that a public consultation meeting will be held at the Town Hall, on Tuesday, November 13, 2018, at 4:00 p.m.

Draft of by-law 1156-11-36:

         The draft of by-law amends the zoning by-law 1156-11, as follows:

  • « Modifiant les usages autorisés dans la zone CE-271 afin de permettre comme usage spécifiquement permis dans cette zone, l’usage Vente au détail de cannabis et de produits du cannabis (5990);
  • Modifiant le paragraphe B) COMMERCE DE DÉTAIL (DIVERS) de l’alinéa 2 de l’article 3.2.3 CLASSE DÉTAIL, ADMINISTRATION ET SERVICES (C-2) afin de modifier l’usage autorisé 599 – Autres activités de la vente au détail (sauf les sex-shops);
  • Remplaçant le titre de l’article 22.12.4 Affichage dans une zone* où les classes d'usages* Accommodation (C-1), Détail, administration et services (C-2), Restauration (C-7), Débit de boisson (C-8) et Erotique (C-11) sont autorisées. »

The concerned zone (CE-271), situated in the area of York South, near super market Super C, is illustrated on the following sketche :

image 90

During this meeting, the Mayor or another Council member designated by him, will explain the draft of by-law and the consequences of their adoption, and will hear the persons and bodies wishing to express their views.

The draft of by-law is available for consultation at the Town Hall office.

Given in Gaspé, October 31, 2018.

NOTICE is hereby given that the municipal Council of "Ville de Gaspé", at its regular meeting held on Monday, October 22, 2018, has adopted by resolution the following draft of by-law and that a public consultation meeting will be held at the Town Hall, on Tuesday, November 13, 2018, at 4:00 p.m.

Draft of by-law 1156-11-35:

         The draft of by-law amends the zoning by-law 1156-11, as follows:

  • « Modifiant les usages autorisés dans la zone M-224 afin de permettre l’usage habitation multifamiliale et collective (H-8) avec un maximum de douze (12) logements ».

The concerned zone (M-224), situated downtown Gaspé, is illustrated on the following sketche :

image 89

During this meeting, the Mayor or another Council member designated by him, will explain the draft of by-law and the consequences of their adoption, and will hear the persons and bodies wishing to express their views.

The draft of by-law is available for consultation at the Town Hall office.

Given in Gaspé, October 31, 2018.


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given by the Gaspé town clerk, in accordance with article 9 of the Act respecting the remuneration of elected municipal officers.

THAT a draft of the by-law relative to the remuneration of elected municipal officers of the Town of Gaspe has been presented and deposited during an ordinary meeting held October 22, 2018, at the same time as was the motion notice required by the law.

THAT the town council will adopt the by-law at its ordinary meeting, which will be held on December 3rd, at 8 pm, at the town hall.

THAT the draft of by-law can be summarized as follows:

  1. The annual remuneration of the mayor currently at 81 244 $ remains at 81 244 $ for the year 2018;
  1. The annual remuneration of the councillors currently at 20 261 $ remains at 20 261 $  for the year 2018;
  1. The acting mayor who replaces the mayor for more than 10 working days will be entitled, from that time until replacement, to an amount equal to the mayor's remuneration during that period;
  1. The annual expenses allowance of any member of the council is equal to one-half of his remuneration fixed by the law, subject to the amount of the maximum expenses allowance provided in section 19 of the Act respecting the remuneration of elected municipal officers.
  1. The draft by-law provides the following indexation:
  • An indexation clause for the remuneration of the council members for the years 2019 and following;
  • For the year that the expenses allowance becomes taxable at one of the levels of government, in addition to the indexation provided for in section 9 of this by-law, the mayor's base salary is increased by 35% of the amount equal to the amount of the expenses allowance to which he is entitled for the year of that assessment, while that of the councillors is increased to 17% of the amount equivalent to the amount of the expenses allowance to which they are entitled;
  • For the year that the expenses allowance becomes taxable at the levels of government, in addition to the indexation provided for in section 9 of this Regulation, the mayor's base salary is increased by 87% of the amount equivalent to the amount of the expenses allowance to which he is entitled for the year of that assessment, while that of the councillors is increased to 40% of the amount equivalent to the amount of the expense allowance to which they are entitled.
  1. The draft by-law replaces the by-law 1026-09;
  1. The by-law will have effect from its promulgation.

THAT the draft of by-law is available for consultation at the office of the undersigned, 25 rue de l'Hôtel-de-Ville, Gaspé (Québec), during regular office hours.

            NOTICE is hereby given that the Town Council, at its ordinary meeting held on October 22, 2018, has adopted the following By-Law:

By-law 1369-18 :

« Règlement concernant la sécurité, la paix et l’ordre dans les endroits publics et remplaçant le règlement 797-99. »

NOTICE is also given that this By-Law is deposited at the office of the municipality and that the interested may there take cognizance thereof during regular office hours.

            GIVEN at Gaspe, October 31, 2018.