Public notices

Public notices (538)


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given:

1.-     THAT at a meeting held on February 8, 2019, the Town Council has adopted the following by-law:

         1156-11-37 :   règlement amendant le règlement 1156-11 en

  • Agrandissant la zone M-224 à même une partie de la zone M-236;
  • Modifiant le deuxième paragraphe de l’article 3.2.17 « CLASSE INDUSTRIE DIVERSE (I-2) », afin d’ajouter l’usage autorisé Industrie de production, de transformation et d’entreposage du cannabis (2131);
  • Modifiant les usages autorisés dans les zones IC-161, IC-297, IC-297-1, IC-297-2 et IC-341-1 afin d’ajouter l’usage spécifiquement prohibé Industrie de production, de transformation et d’entreposage du cannabis (2131);
  • Ajoutant une note 1 à la grille de spécifications de la zone IC-269 afin d’ajouter une disposition relative aux matériaux autorisés pour la construction d’une serre;

2.-     THAT this by-law 1156-11-37 have been approved by the council of the regional county municipality La Côte-de-Gaspé, on March 13, 2019;

3.-     THAT an assessment of conformity has been issued by the Secretary-treasurer of the regional county municipality La Côte-de-Gaspé in respect of by-law 1156-11-37 on March 18, 2019;

4.-     THAT this by-law 1156-11-37 came into force on March 18, 2019, according to the Act respecting land use planning and development;

5.-     THAT the interested can consult this by-law at the Office of the Town clerk, at the Town Hall, 25, rue de l'Hôtel-de-Ville, Gaspé, during regular office hours.

GIVEN at Gaspé, March 27, 2019.



NOTICE is hereby given that the Town Council, at an ordinary meeting that will be held on April 15 2019, at 8 pm, will consider the request for minor exemption from the zoning By-Law 1156-11, presented by Mtre Isabelle Simard, notary for a property situated at 541, boulevard Pointe-Navarre.

The nature and consequences of this exemption are the following:

  • the nature of the minor exemption is to reduce of 0.48 m the minimal distance required of 9m from the front back margin required by the zoning By-Law 1156-11.
  • the minor exemption will have for consequence to regularize the location of a detached single-family dwelling with a front back margin of 8.52 m.

During this meeting, the Town Council will hear the interested wishing to be heard on that request.

Given at Gaspé, March 27, 2019.



NOTICE is hereby given that the Town Council, at an ordinary meeting that will be held on April 15, 2019, at 8 pm, will consider the request for minor exemption from the zoning By-Law 1156-11, presented by Mr Martin Jean-Dubé for a property situated at 449, Forillon boulevard.

The nature and consequences of this exemption are the following:

  • the nature of the minor exemption is :
  • to increase of 62 m2 of the area for an isolated private garage in accordance to the maximal area of 100 m2 required by the article of the Zoning By-Law no1156-11;
  • to increase of 1.42 m of the height for an isolated private garage in accordance to the maximal height of 6.5 m required by the article of the By-Law no1156-11.
  • the minor exemption will have for consequence to permit the construction of an isolated private garage with an area of 162 m2 and a height of 7,92 m.

During this meeting, the Town Council will hear the interested wishing to be heard on that request.

Given at Gaspé, March 27, 2019.



NOTICE is hereby given that the Town Council, at an ordinary meeting that will be held on April 1st, 2019, at 8 pm, will consider the request for minor exemption from the zoning By-Law 1156-11, presented by Mrs Chantal Delarosbil and Mr Stéphane Diotte, for a property situated at 1393, Haldimand road.

The nature and consequences of this exemption are the following:

  • the nature of the minor exemption is to :

-        increase of 8 m2 in area for a shed from the maximum area of 50 m2 established by section 8.8.1 of Zoning By-law 1156-11;

  • increase the height of 80 cm for a shed from the maximum height of 5 m established by section 8.8.1 of Zoning By-law 1156-11.
  • the minor exemption will have for consequence to allow the construction of a shed with an area of 58 m2 and a height of 5.8 m.

During this meeting, the Town Council will hear the interested wishing to be heard on that request.

Given at Gaspé, March 13, 2019,



NOTICE is hereby given that the Town Council, at an ordinary meeting that will be held on Monday April 1st, 2019, at 8 pm, will consider the request for minor exemption from the zoning By-Law 1156-11, presented by Egide Dupuis et fils Inc. for a property situated at 300, boulevard de York Sud.

The nature and consequences of this exemption are the following:

  • the nature of the minor exemption is :
  • to authorize Type C storage in the front yard contrary to the standard established by section 18.1.3 of Zoning By-law 1156-11;
  • to reducing the front setback by 1.76 m for a complementary building to the minimum front setback of 7 m established by section 19.2 of Zoning By-law 1156-11.
  • the minor exemption will have for consequence to :
  • allow Type C storage in the main front yard adjacent to York South Boulevard and the secondary front yard adjacent to Rue des Lilas;
  • regularize the layout of the complementary building with a setback margin of 5.24 m in the front secondary yard.

During this meeting, the Town Council will hear the interested wishing to be heard on that request.

Given at Gaspé, March 13, 2019.



NOTICE is hereby given that the Town Council, at an ordinary meeting that will be held on April 1st, 2019, at 8 pm, will consider the request for minor exemption from the zoning By-Law 1156-11, presented by Mr Pierrot Coulombe for Produits sanitaires Cloutier Inc. for a property situated at 288, boulevard York Sud.

The nature and consequences of this exemption are the following:

  • the nature of the minor exemption is to :

-        increase of 2  the number of signs that can be affixed flat on the facade of the main building compared to the total number of 2 signs established in section 22.12.4 of Zoning By-law 1156-11;

-        increase of 2.44 m² the area of a sign on the wall in the secondary façade compared to the maximum area of 5 m² established in section 22.12.4 of Zoning By-law 1156-11.

  • the minor exemption will have for consequence to :
  • allow the installation of 4 signs on the wall in front of the main building;
  • allow the installation of a sign on the secondary facade of the main building with an area of 7.44 m².

During this meeting, the Town Council will hear the interested wishing to be heard on that request.

Given at Gaspé, March 13, 2019.


NOTICE is hereby given that the Town Council, at its ordinary meeting held on February 18, 2019, has adopted the following By-Laws:

By-law 1387-19:

« Règlement amendant le règlement 1331-17 amendant le règlement 1179-12 décrétant l’adoption d’un programme de revitalisation pour les périmètres d’urbanisation de Rivière-au-Renard et de Gaspé. »

By-law 1388-19:

« Règlement relatif aux modalités de publication des avis publics. « 

NOTICE is also given that those By-Laws are deposited at the office of the municipality and that the interested may there take cognizance thereof during regular office hours.

            GIVEN at Gaspe, February 27, 2019.


            NOTICE is hereby given that the Town Council, at its ordinary meeting held on February 4, 2019, has adopted the following By-Laws:

By-law 1385-19:

« Règlement remplaçant le règlement 1357-17 et créant un nouveau règlement pour imposer de nouveaux tarifs pour la collecte des déchets, l'entretien du lieu d'enfouissement technique, la gestion intégrée des déchets, la collecte  des matières recyclables, le transport de ces matières et leur traitement au centre de tri de Grande-Rivière, la collecte des matières organiques, le transport de ces matières et leur traitement au site de compostage de Chandler. »

By-law 1386-19:

« Règlement modifiant le règlement 970-06 relatif au traitement des personnes membres du comité consultatif d’urbanisme qui ne sont pas membres du conseil municipal en remplaçant l’article 5. »

NOTICE is also given that those By-Laws are deposited at the office of the municipality and that the interested may there take cognizance thereof during regular office hours.

            GIVEN at Gaspe, February 13, 2019.


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given :

  1. 1. THAT at a meeting held on December 3, 2018, the Town Council has adopted By-Law 1374-18 «décrétant une dépense d’une somme de 948 720 $ et un emprunt de 948 720 $ pour la conversion du système d’éclairage public de la ville à la technologie DEL».
  1. 2. THAT By-Law 1374-18 has been approved by the qualified voters during a register held on December 11 and 12, 2018.
  1. 3. THAT By-Law 1374-18 have been approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, on February 1, 2019.
  1. 4. THAT the interested can consult that By-Law at the Clerk’s office, at the Town Hall, 25, rue de l’Hôtel-de-Ville, during regular office hours.

GIVEN at Gaspé, February 13, 2019.



NOTICE is hereby given that the Town Council, at an ordinary meeting that will be held on March 4, 2019, at 8 pm, will consider the request for minor exemption from the zoning By-Law 1156-11, presented by Mr Brent Simpson for the companie Motel Adams inc. for a property situated at 20, rue Adams.

The nature and consequences of this exemption are the following:

  • the nature of the minor exemption is to:

For the 97 and 97-A, Jacques-Cartier street :

  • reduce of 1,71 m the left lateral setback in accordance to the minimal left lateral setback of 2 m required at the article 4.6 of the Zoning By- Law no1156-11;
  • reduce of 3,11 m the rear setback in accordance to the minimal rear setback of 4 m required at the article 4.6 of the Zoning By-Law no1156-11;
  • reduce of 0,34 m the depth in accordance to the minimal depth of 28 m required at the article 5.3 of the land division By-Law 1157-11.

For the 20, Adams street :

  • reduce of 1,70 m the right lateral setback, face to the Jacques-Cartier street, in accordance to the minimal right lateral setback of 2 m required at the article 4.6 of the Zoning By-Law no1156-11;
  • reduce of 1,11 m of the left lateral setback, face to the Adams street, in accordance to the minimal left setback of 2 m required at the article 4.6 of the Zoning By-Law no1156-11;
  • the minor exemption will have for consequence to :
  • permit a principal building on a lot with a depth of 27,66 m, situated at 97 and 97-A, Jacques-Cartier street, with a left lateral setback of 0,29 m and a rear setback of 0,89 m.
  • permit a principal building, situated at 20, Adams street, with a right lateral setback of 0,29 m face to the Jacques-Cartier street and a left lateral setback of 0,89 m face the Adams street.

During this meeting, the Town Council will hear the interested wishing to be heard on that request.

Given at Gaspé, February 13, 2019.