Public notices

Public notices (538)

NOTICE is hereby given that the Town Council, at an ordinary meeting that will be held, on Monday September 20, 2021, at 7h30 pm, will consider the request for minor exemption from the zoning By-Law 1156-11, presented by Mr Christian Rioux, for a property situated at 196, boulevard de Gaspé.

The nature and consequences of this exemption are the following:

  • the nature of the minor exemption is to reduce of 0,49 m the right lateral back margin for an annexed private garage in accordance to the right lateral back margin of 2 m required at the article 8.7 of Zoning By-Law 1156-11;
  • the minor exemption will have for consequence to permit the transformation of a carport into an annexed private garage with a right lateral back margin of 1.51 m.

Written consultation

Act respecting land use and development provides that any interested party may be heard by the municipal council when the latter must rule on a request for a minor exemption, but that currently, under ministerial order 2020-029 dated from April 26, 2020, the meetings of the municipal council can be held exceptionally behind closed doors during the state of health emergency;

By virtue of ministerial order 2020-049 dated July 4, 2020, any procedure other than a referendum which is part of the decision-making process of a municipal body and which involves the movement or gathering of citizens can be suspended if the council decides to replace the procedure with a 15 days written consultation announced beforehand by a public notice;

During the session of the municipal council which was held on August 23, 2021, the latter authorized, by resolution 21-08-045, the consultation in writing of the persons interested with regard to the request for minor exemption mentioned above in the minutes of the advisory planning committee, adopted by the town council by the resolution 21-08-045;

The municipal council, during the ordinary meeting, Monday September 20, 2021, at 7:30 p.m., rule on this request for minor exemption;

Anyone interested in this minor exemption request may be heard by sending their comments in writing before September 10, 2021, 4:30 p.m., by email to the following address: isabelle.vezina@ville.gaspe.qc.ca. They will be transmitted to the municipal council before it decides on the request.

DONE at Gaspé, August 26, 2021.

Isabelle Vézina,

Director of legal services and town clerk

NOTICE is hereby given that the Town Council, at an ordinary meeting that will be held, on Monday September 20, 2021, at 7h30 pm, will consider the request for minor exemption from the zoning By-Law 1156-11, presented by Mrs Sonia Paquette, for a property situated at 16, rue des Malards.

The nature and consequences of this exemption are the following:

  • the nature of the minor exemption is to increase of 0.2 m the height for a shed in accordance to the maximal height of 4 m required at the article 8.8.1 of the Zoning By-Law no1156-11;
  • the minor exemption will have for consequence to permit the construction of a shed with an height of 4,2 m.

Written consultation

Act respecting land use and development provides that any interested party may be heard by the municipal council when the latter must rule on a request for a minor exemption, but that currently, under ministerial order 2020-029 dated from April 26, 2020, the meetings of the municipal council can be held exceptionally behind closed doors during the state of health emergency;

By virtue of ministerial order 2020-049 dated July 4, 2020, any procedure other than a referendum which is part of the decision-making process of a municipal body and which involves the movement or gathering of citizens can be suspended if the council decides to replace the procedure with a 15 days written consultation announced beforehand by a public notice;

During the session of the municipal council which was held on August 23, 2021, the latter authorized, by resolution 21-08-045, the consultation in writing of the persons interested with regard to the request for minor exemption mentioned above in the minutes of the advisory planning committee, adopted by the town council by the resolution 21-08-045;

The municipal council, during the ordinary meeting, Monday September 20, 2021, at 7:30 p.m., rule on this request for minor exemption;

Anyone interested in this minor exemption request may be heard by sending their comments in writing before September 10, 2021, 4:30 p.m., by email to the following address: isabelle.vezina@ville.gaspe.qc.ca. They will be transmitted to the municipal council before it decides on the request.

DONE at Gaspé, August 26, 2021.

Isabelle Vézina,

Director of legal services and town clerk

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given :

1. THAT at a meeting held on March 1, 2021, the Town Council has adopted By-Law 1442-21 « décrétant une dépense de 1 334 353 $ et un emprunt de 1 149 115 $ pour des travaux de construction d’une piste cyclable dans le secteur de Rivière-au-Renard ».

2. THAT By-Law 1442-21 has been approved by the qualified voters during a registration procedure held from March 11 to 26, 2020.

3. THAT By-Law 1442-21 have been approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, on July 23, 2021.

4. THAT this regulation comes into force in accordance with the law.

5. THAT the interested can have information for that By-Law by communicating with the Clerk’s office, by phone at 418-368-2104 extension 8505, during regular office hours.

GIVEN at Gaspé, August 23, 2021.

Isabelle Vézina,

Director of legal services and town clerk

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given:

1.-     THAT at a meeting held on July 8, 2021, the Town Council has adopted by-law 1156-11-52 by-law amending By-Law 1156-11 « modifiant les usages autorisés dans la zone CR-285 afin de permettre la classe d’usages Multifamiliale et collectif (H-8) avec un minimum de neuf (9) logements »;

2.-     THAT by-law 1156-11-52 has been approved by the council of the regional county municipality La Côte-de-Gaspé, on July 14, 2021;

3.-     THAT an assessment of conformity has been issued by the Secretary-treasurer of the regional county municipality La Côte-de-Gaspé in respect of by-law 1156-11-52 on July 15, 2021;

4.-     THAT by-law 1156-11-52 came into force on July 15, 2021, according to the Act respecting land use planning and development;

5.-     THAT the interested can consult this by-law at the Office of the Town clerk, at the Town Hall, 25, rue de l'Hôtel-de-Ville, Gaspé, during regular office hours.

GIVEN at Gaspé, July 22, 2021.

Isabelle Vézina

The Director of legal services and town clerk

NOTICE is hereby given that the Town Council, at an ordinary meeting that will be held in the hall of the town hall, on Monday August 23, 2021, at 7h30 pm, will consider the request for minor exemption from the land division By-Law 1157-11, presented by Mtre Kevin Dufresne, for the lot 2 732 467, cadastre of Quebec situated on Fournier Street.

The nature and consequences of this exemption are the following:

  • the nature of the minor exemption is to reduce of 21 m the depth of a building lot in accordance to the depth of 60 m required at the article 5.3 A) of the land division By-Law 1157-11;
  • the minor exemption will have for consequence to regularize a lot with a depth of 55.79 m.

Written consultation

By virtue of ministerial order 2020-049 dated July 4, 2020, any procedure other than a referendum which is part of the decision-making process of a municipal body and which involves the movement or gathering of citizens can be replace by a procedure with a 15-day written consultation announced beforehand by a public notice;

During the session of the municipal council, which was held on July 19, 2021, the latter authorized, by resolution 21-07-022, the consultation in writing of the persons interested with regard to the request for minor exemption mentioned above in the minutes of the advisory planning committee, adopted by the town council by the resolution 21-07-022;

The municipal council, during the ordinary meeting to be held behind in the hall of the town hall, Monday August 23, 2021, at 7:30 p.m., rule on this request for minor exemption;

Anyone interested in this minor exemption request may be heard by sending their comments in writing before August 6, 2021, 4:30 p.m., by email to the following address: isabelle.vezina@ville.gaspe.qc.ca. They will be transmitted to the municipal council before it decides on the request.

Given at Gaspé, July 22, 2021.

Isabelle Vézina,

Director of legal services and town clerk

NOTICE is hereby given that the Town Council, at an ordinary meeting that will be held in the hall of the town hall, on Monday August 23, 2021, at 7h30 pm, will consider the request for minor exemption from the zoning By-Law 1156-11, presented by Mr Jean-François Côté, for a property situated at 1209, rue du Monument.

The nature and consequences of this exemption are the following:

  • the nature of the minor exemption is to :
  • increase of 2 m the height for a fishing building in accordance to the maximal height of 6.5 m required by the article 8.8.3 of the Zoning By-Law 1156-11.
  • increase of 30 m2 the area for a fishing building in accordance to the maximal area of 100 m2 required by the article 8.8.3 of the Zoning By-Law 1156-11;
  • the minor exemption will have for consequence to regularize the construction of a complimentary fishing building within an urban perimeter with a height of 8.5 m and an area of 130 m2.

Written consultation

By virtue of ministerial order 2020-049 dated July 4, 2020, any procedure other than a referendum which is part of the decision-making process of a municipal body and which involves the movement or gathering of citizens can be replace by a procedure with a 15-day written consultation announced beforehand by a public notice;

During the session of the municipal council, which was held on July 19, 2021, the latter authorized, by resolution 21-07-022, the consultation in writing of the persons interested with regard to the request for minor exemption mentioned above in the minutes of the advisory planning committee, adopted by the town council by the resolution 21-07-022;

The municipal council, during the ordinary meeting to be held behind in the hall of the town hall, Monday August 23, 2021, at 7:30 p.m., rule on this request for minor exemption;

Anyone interested in this minor exemption request may be heard by sending their comments in writing before August 6, 2021, 4:30 p.m., by email to the following address: isabelle.vezina@ville.gaspe.qc.ca. They will be transmitted to the municipal council before it decides on the request.

Given at Gaspé, July 22, 2021.

Isabelle Vézina,

Director of legal services and town clerk


Second draft 1156-11-52 (adopted on June 28, 2021) amending the by-law 1156-11

NOTICE is hereby given that, following the writing consultation which was held from June 10 to June 25, 2021, the municipal Council of "Ville de Gaspé" has accepted by resolution, on June 28, 2021 a second draft of by-law 1156-11-52 amending the by-law 1156-11. This second draft contains provisions that may be subject to an application made by interested persons from anyone of the zones to which such provisions apply and of the contiguous zones, to require that a by-law containing these be submitted for their approval, in accordance with the Act respecting elections and referendums in municipalities.


1.1    An application relating to the following provision of the second draft:

  • « Modifiant les usages autorisés dans la zone CR-285 afin de permettre la classe d’usages Multifamiliale et collectif (H-8) avec un minimum de neuf (9) logements; »

Such an application is required that the by-law containing the provision to which it applies be submitted for the approval of the qualified voters in the zone to which applies this application, and in any contiguous zone from which a valid application originates. However any contiguous zone who has made an application will participate at the referendum approval only if the application also originates of the zone to which it is contiguous.


This zone is located in the area of montée Sandy-Beach, and illustrated on the following sketch :

image 343 47d20


To be valid, an application to take part to a referendum must:

  • state clearly the provision of the second draft to which the application refers;
  • indicate the zone from which the application originates;
  • be signed by at least 12 interested persons of the zone from which it originates, if there are more than 21 interested persons in that zone, or, otherwise, by the majority of the interested persons;
  • be received by the Town clerk office at the town hall no later than July 7, 2021, 4:30 pm.

Given the current circumstances and in compliance with the guidelines for social distancing, the City replaces the usual procedure for the transmission of a form with that of the written request by inviting interested persons to individually forward a request to the director of legal services and town clerk at the following email address: greffe@ville.gaspe.qc.ca. This request must also contain a copy of the applicant's ID.


An interested person is a person of full age, Canadian citizen and not under curatorship who, on the date of adoption of the second draft, which is June 28, 2021, is not disqualified from voting and meets one of the following requirements:

  • is domiciled in a zone from which an application may originate and who has been domiciled in Québec for at least 6 months;
  • is the owner of an immovable or the occupant of a business place situated on such a zone since 12 months at least.


Should there be no valid applications relating to the provisions of the second draft, the said provisions may be then included in a by-law which will not have to be submitted for the approval of the qualified voters.


The second draft of by-law is available, in French, for consultation in the document also attached to this notice.

We recommend you to consult the Service de l’Urbanisme to verify in which area your building is situated.

Given in Gaspé, June 29, 2021.

Isabelle Vézina,

Director of legal services and town clerk


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